To Be Used of God
Refrain  [1]  [2] 
To be used of God, to sing, to speak, to pray;
To be used of God to show someone the way. I long so much to feel the touch
Of His consuming fire;
To be used of God is my desire.
I've a yearning in my heart
That cannot be denied;
It's a longing that has never
Yet been satisfied.
I want the world to know
The One Who loves them so;
Like a flame it's burning deep inside.
When I think about the shortness
Of my earthly years,
I remember all the wasted days,
The wasted tears.
I long to preach the Word
To those who've never heard
Of the One Who can dispel all fears.

I've a yearning in my heart
That cannot be denied;
It's a longing that has never
Yet been satisfied.
I want the world to know
The One Who loves them so;
Like a flame it's burning deep inside.

To be used of God, to sing, to speak, to pray;
To be used of God to show someone the way.
I long so much to feel the touch
Of His consuming fire;
To be used of God is my desire.

When I think about the shortness
Of my earthly years,
I remember all the wasted days,
The wasted tears.
I long to preach the Word
To those who've never heard
Of the One Who can dispel all fears.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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   Audrey Mieir