Lord Lay Some Soul Upon My Heart
Refrain  [1]  [2]  [3] 
Lord, lay some soul upon my heart,
And love that soul thro' me;
And may I ever do my part
To win that soul for Thee.
Lift up your eyes, look on the fields,
They white to harvest are;
And God is calling volunteers,
To serve Him near and far
And you, dear Christian,
God now calls, to labor for the lost;
Will you your life, your gifts, your all,
Give Him at any cost?
I will be true, my Lord to serve,
Who died to set me free;
I'll consecrate my life to Him
And ever faithful be.

Lift up your eyes, look on the fields,
They white to harvest are;
And God is calling volunteers,
To serve Him near and far.

Lord, lay some soul upon my heart,
And love that soul thro' me;
And may I ever do my part
To win that soul for Thee.

And you, dear Christian,
God now calls, to labor for the lost;
Will you your life, your gifts, your all,
Give Him at any cost?

I will be true, my Lord to serve,
Who died to set me free;
I'll consecrate my life to Him
And ever faithful be.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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   Dr. Leon Tucker David H. Johnson