For Sunrise Hope and Sunset Calm
For sunrise hope and sunset calm,
and all that lies between,
For all the sweetness and the balm
that is and that has been,
For comradeship, for peace in strife,
and light on darkened days;
For work to do and strength for life
we sing our hymn of praise.
But O, we press far,
far above these gifts of pure delight,
And find in Thee,
and in Thy love contentment infinite.
O Lord, beloved in whom are found
all joys of time and place,
What will it be when joy is crowned
by vision of Thy face?

For sunrise hope and sunset calm,
and all that lies between,
For all the sweetness and the balm
that is and that has been,
For comradeship, for peace in strife,
and light on darkened days;
For work to do and strength for life
we sing our hymn of praise.

But O, we press far,
far above these gifts of pure delight,
And find in Thee,
and in Thy love contentment infinite.
O Lord, beloved in whom are found
all joys of time and place,
What will it be when joy is crowned
by vision of Thy face?

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

2 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

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   Amy Carmichael (1867-1951) From Wings by Amy Carmichael. Copyright 1960 by Dohnavur Fellowship Kenneth S. Proctor (1895 -  )