Jesus, Friend So Kind
Jesus, Friend, so kind and gentle,
Little ones we bring to Thee:
Grant to them Thy dearest blessing,
Let Thine arms around them be;
Now enfold them in Thy goodness,
From all danger keep them free.
Thou who did receive the children
To Thyself so tenderly,
Give to all who teach and guide them
Wisdom and humility.
Vision true to keep them noble,
Love to serve them faithfully.

Jesus, Friend, so kind and gentle,
Little ones we bring to Thee:
Grant to them Thy dearest blessing,
Let Thine arms around them be;
Now enfold them in Thy goodness,
From all danger keep them free.

Thou who did receive the children
To Thyself so tenderly,
Give to all who teach and guide them
Wisdom and humility.
Vision true to keep them noble,
Love to serve them faithfully.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

2 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

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   Philip E. Gregory (1886-1974) Words by permission of Denalde M. Gregory
Music copyright © 1984 by Wayne Hooper
Wayne Hooper, 1984 (1920 -  )