Romans 14:7
Lord, Speak to Me
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
in living echoes of thy tone;
as thou has sought, so let me seek
Thy erring children lost and lone.
O lead me, Lord, that I may lead
the wandering and the wavering feet;
O feed me, Lord, that I may feed
thy hungering ones with manna sweet.
O strengthen me, that while I stand
firm on the rock, and strong in thee,
I may stretch out a loving hand
to wrestlers with the troubled sea.

Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
in living echoes of thy tone;
as thou has sought, so let me seek
Thy erring children lost and lone.

O lead me, Lord, that I may lead
the wandering and the wavering feet;
O feed me, Lord, that I may feed
thy hungering ones with manna sweet.

O strengthen me, that while I stand
firm on the rock, and strong in thee,
I may stretch out a loving hand
to wrestlers with the troubled sea.

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   Frances Ridley Havergal, 1872 (1836-1879) Arr. from Robert A. Schumann, 1839 (1810-1856)