Rev. 21
For Thee, O Dear, Dear Country
For thee, O dear country,
Mine eyes their vigils keep;
For very love beholding
Thy holy name, they weep.
O one, O only mansion!
O Paradise of joy!
Where tears are ever banish'd
And smiles have no alloy;
With jasper glow thy burwarks,
Thy streets with emeralds blaze;
The sardius and the topaz
Unite in thee their rays;
The cross is all thy splendor,
The Crucified thy praise;
His laud and benediction
Thy ransom'd saints shall raise;
O sweet and blessed country,
The home of God's elect!
O sweet and blessed country
That eager hearts expect!

For thee, O dear country,
Mine eyes their vigils keep;
For very love beholding
Thy holy name, they weep.

O one, O only mansion!
O Paradise of joy!
Where tears are ever banish'd
And smiles have no alloy;

With jasper glow thy burwarks,
Thy streets with emeralds blaze;
The sardius and the topaz
Unite in thee their rays;

The cross is all thy splendor,
The Crucified thy praise;
His laud and benediction
Thy ransom'd saints shall raise;

O sweet and blessed country,
The home of God's elect!
O sweet and blessed country
That eager hearts expect!

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

5 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

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   Bernard of Cluny, c. 1145
   Tr. by John Mason Neale, 1858 (1818-186) alt.
Copyright © 1910 by G. Schirmer, Inc. Used by permission of the publisher. T. Tertius Noble, 1895 (1867-1953)