Dear Lord, We Come at Set of Sun
Dear Lord, we come at set of sun,
And at Your feet we kneel
To worship You, Creator, King,
This day, Your sign and seal.
Our earthly tasks we lay aside,
According to Your Word,
To enter now Your holy rest,
The Sabbath of the Lord.
Sweet Sabbath rest, your sacred hours
Are as a golden chain
That reaches back to Eden's gate
And points us home again.
And when this earth shall be renewed,
And sin and death destroyed,
Shall all redeemed each Sabbath day
Still meet to praise their God.

Dear Lord, we come at set of sun,
And at Your feet we kneel
To worship You, Creator, King,
This day, Your sign and seal.

Our earthly tasks we lay aside,
According to Your Word,
To enter now Your holy rest,
The Sabbath of the Lord.

Sweet Sabbath rest, your sacred hours
Are as a golden chain
That reaches back to Eden's gate
And points us home again.

And when this earth shall be renewed,
And sin and death destroyed,
Shall all redeemed each Sabbath day
Still meet to praise their God.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

4 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

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   Mary Speidel, 1984 (1915 -  ) Words copyright © 1985 by Mary Speidel.
Music from the Revised Church Hymnary 1927
by permission of Oxford University Press.     Alternate tune, SERENITY, No. 455
Charles Hutcheson (1792-1860)   
Arr. by David Evans, (1874-1948)