Now the Joyful Bells A-Ringing
Now the joyful bells a-ringing,
All ye mountains, praise the Lord!
Lift our hearts like birds a winging,
All ye mountains, praise the Lord!
Now our festal season bringing
Kinsmen all to bide and board,
Sets our cheery voices singing:
All ye mountains, praise the Lord!
Dear our home as dear none other;
Where the mountains praise the Lord!
Gladly here our care we smother;
Where the mountains praise the Lord!
Here we know that Christ our brother
Binds us all as by a cord:
He was born of Mary mother
Where the mountains praise the Lord!
Cold the year, new whiteness wearing,
All ye mountains, praise the Lord!
Peace, good will to us abearing,
All ye mountains praise the Lord!
Now we all God's goodness sharing
Break the bread and sheath the sword:
Bright our hearts the signal flaring,
All ye mountains, praise the Lord!

Now the joyful bells a-ringing,
All ye mountains, praise the Lord!
Lift our hearts like birds a winging,
All ye mountains, praise the Lord!
Now our festal season bringing
Kinsmen all to bide and board,
Sets our cheery voices singing:
All ye mountains, praise the Lord!

Dear our home as dear none other;
Where the mountains praise the Lord!
Gladly here our care we smother;
Where the mountains praise the Lord!
Here we know that Christ our brother
Binds us all as by a cord:
He was born of Mary mother
Where the mountains praise the Lord!

Cold the year, new whiteness wearing,
All ye mountains, praise the Lord!
Peace, good will to us abearing,
All ye mountains praise the Lord!
Now we all God's goodness sharing
Break the bread and sheath the sword:
Bright our hearts the signal flaring,
All ye mountains, praise the Lord!

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

3 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

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   Welsh Carol Para. by K. E. Roberts (1879-1953) Words from Oxford Book of Carols by permission of Oxford University Press.
Arrangement copyright © 1984 by Wayne Hooper
Arr. by Wayne Hooper, 1984 (1920 -  )