Now Is Born The Divine Christ Child
Now is born the divine Christ child,
Play the musette, play the tuneful oboe,
Now is born the divine Christ child,
Sing we all and rejoice this day.
He was born in a stable bare,
On bed of straw how He sleeps so soundly,
He was born in a stable bare,
Let us worship and to Him bow.
Ages long since are past and gone,
When the wise men foretold His coming,
Ages long since are past and gone,
When the wise men foretold His birth.

Now is born the divine Christ child,
Play the musette, play the tuneful oboe,
Now is born the divine Christ child,
Sing we all and rejoice this day.

He was born in a stable bare,
On bed of straw how He sleeps so soundly,
He was born in a stable bare,
Let us worship and to Him bow.

Ages long since are past and gone,
When the wise men foretold His coming,
Ages long since are past and gone,
When the wise men foretold His birth.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

2 stanzas with Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

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   Traditional French carol Arrangement copyright © 1984 by Wayne Hooper 18th century French carol   
Arr. by Wayne Hooper, 1984 (1920 -  )