As It Fell Upon A Night
As it fell upon a night
In the winter weather,
Angels bright in starry height
Began to sing together.
Shepherds sleeping on the plain
Woke to see the glory,
All amazed they stood and gazed
And heard the angels' story.
Unto you a child is born
In a manger lowly,
Humble, He, yet born to be
The King of Love most holy.
Happy angels from afar,
Cease your singing never!
In excelsis gloria!
For ever and for ever.

As it fell upon a night
In the winter weather,
Angels bright in starry height
Began to sing together.

Shepherds sleeping on the plain
Woke to see the glory,
All amazed they stood and gazed
And heard the angels' story.

Unto you a child is born
In a manger lowly,
Humble, He, yet born to be
The King of Love most holy.

Happy angels from afar,
Cease your singing never!
In excelsis gloria!
For ever and for ever.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

4 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

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   Katherine K. Davis, 1942 (1892-1980) Words copyright © 1942 by Galaxy Music Corporation, New York.
Used by permission.
Music from the Oxford Book of Carols by permission of Oxford University Press.
From Plae Cantionnes, 1582   
Arr. by Geoffrey Shaw (1879-1943)